​​​Services  |  IRR-analytics, LLC

Interest Rate Risk Program Review and Validation

Interest rate risk program review and validation engagements are designed to advance your institution’s interest rate risk program and satisfy regulatory expectations.  The key objective of this engagement is to generate a final report that examines the risk profile of your institution, documents model appropriateness, setup, and testing results, evaluates monitoring and governance, verifies regulatory compliance, and identifies potential areas for improvement.  We make ourselves available to clients throughout the year and maintain support resources such as peer data, report templates,  sample policy language, assumption development tools, and common exam issues.  ​​Request a proposal. 

IRR-analytics, LLC has worked with these ALM models/vendors

Liquidity Program Review

Liquidity program review engagements are designed to advance your institution’s liquidity risk program and satisfy regulatory expectations.  The key objective of this engagement is to generate a final report that examines the risk profile of your institution, evaluates monitoring and governance, verifies regulatory compliance, and identifies potential areas for improvement.  We make ourselves available to clients throughout the year and maintain support resources such as peer data, report templates, sample policy language, and common exam issues.  Request a proposal. 

​A comprehensive due diligence packet is available upon request to facilitate the vendor selection process. 

Read some of our client testimonials.